Apple iPhone 5c in a nutshell October 17, 2013June 11, 2015admin Comment If you already have a iPhone 5, or an iPhone 4/4S, you won’t find the iPhone 5C (or 5S for that matter) [...]
The ideal phone for young children must be the ImagePhone October 2, 2013June 11, 2015admin Comment The ImageFone is an ideal first phone for young children. It is a credit card-sized phone that uses a custom screen to display [...]
Samsung Galaxy s3 Smartphone is the must have phone in 2012 July 10, 2012April 9, 2013admin Comment One of the must have phones this year that has caused quite a stir, is the Samsung Galaxy s3. The smartphone is just [...]
Nokia launch limited edition Mobile phones for pop band One Direction fans September 19, 2011April 9, 2013admin Comment Fans of boyband One Dorection will be pleased to hear that Nokia have teamed up with their favourite pop band to release a [...]
Mobile Phone Watch-GSM April 2, 2011April 2, 2011admin Comment This James Bond style mobile phone gadgetry only needs a Sim card to be activated. It comes complete with a full colour touch [...]