3Dconnexion Space Navigator

The Space Navigator for Notebooks from 3Dconnexion is quite an exciting gadget, it offers a slightly different design approach to the conventional computer mouse. Originally designed to meet the needs of graphics and CAD designers, the Navigator is fun to use by anyone on applications like Google Earth and others where intricate mouse movements are required.

Space Navigator

The Space Navigator is a 3D mouse that works in a similar way to a joystick, but rather than gripping with your hand, it is controlled mainly by using the tips of your fingers. The device has superb built quality. The base is made from stainless steel which gives the Navigator a really nice look with the black handle finish on top and the blue LCD trim in the middle. I guess the steel also adds to the weight because for such a small device it is a little weighty. That said, I think the weight does help to keep it firmly on the surface and possibly aid the precision of the mouse. However, it is portable and certainly light enough to carry around with your Notebook.

To get the mouse up and running, you will need to load the software that comes with it. Once this is done you will be able to make some changes to the setup like adjusting the speed or change the functions of the buttons on the mouse.

Space Navigator

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